Omar Zevallos is a cartoonist, and born in 1958 in Peru. He has studied biology and journalism, but he is known for being a cartoonist and journalist.
He has held many solo exhibitions in different countries, received many awards in international contests, and illustrated some books for children.
He says: "it is difficult to be a cartoonist, because I don’t want to just exaggerate the physical characteristics of the characters; I want to have a deep look at their characters."
In 2011 a comedian artist had an interview with him:
- How do you assess the current state of humor in your country's media; television, radio, theater, literature and graphics?
- Humor in Peru is based on two aspects: political humor producing by cartoonists, publish in newspapers and magazines, and television humor which is at a lower level and almost always has unpleasant resources and a vulgar audience. However, there are artists who have an intellectual sights and stand-up comedians who perform at a better level. There is a radio program "Los chistosos" that has been making people laugh for 15 years with political humor.
- Do you believe in a saying: “it is easy to make people cry than laugh”?
- It is just a sentence. These two senses have different roots. Sometimes we can cry with laughter. I think one should be smart to make people laugh.
- Is humor talent inborn or acquired?
- Great question and of course repetitive. I believe in both. An artis born with talent and learn techniques and resources to communicate people.
- What are the best and worst moment you have experienced?
- I think life is full of good and bad moments, we need them, because one learns from them and makes the best use of them. It is difficult for me to distinguish between good and bad moments, because I still do not want to die and I hope to have good and some bad and very bad moments to enjoy.
- Is there something about your career that you want us to know?
- Yes. Censorship. From the censorship of an exhibition of political cartoons and home confinement by coup plotters to that censorship by an editor of a democratic newspaper. These events taught me a lot.
- Can you give me a piece of advice?
- Re-invent or renew yourself based on time.
- Some artworks by Zevallos: