In 2020, this German artist won the Grand Prize at the World Press Cartoon, which takes place in Portugal, with a "portrait" of the English Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Interview by Francisco Puñal Suárez
In 2017, during a visit to Frankfurt, my son Oscar took me to see the Museum of Caricature in that city, where the exhibition “Animalism”, by the German plastic artist Frank Hoppmann (Lingen, 1975), was held, his eleventh show staff, whose "portraits - caricatures" marveled us for being exceptional works. From that moment, I became an admirer and follower of his work.
Erdogan, President of Turkey - Winning work of the Golden Winged Pencil Award 2017. / Frank Hoppman
Precisely that year, for his caricature exhibited in that exhibition, by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish leader, Hoppmann won the "Golden Winged Pencil" Prize, endowed with five thousand euros, the most important award of the German cartoonists, which went to him delivered in Dresden. In this contest, 211 cartoonists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland had presented more than 1000 works.
Another of his expo drawings was dedicated to Donald Trump, published in the “Los Angeles Times” newspaper, and which gave him international resonance, was impeccable and implacable, and earned him the 2017 Award of Excellence from the Society For News Design . His gaze was also fixed on the North Korean Kim Jong-Un, a character whom he represents as a giant mass of fat; a smiling Angela Merkel, and a Vladimir Putin with bold eyes.
Vladimir Putin. / Frank Hoppmann
Last year, Hoppman achieved significant recognition by winning the World Press Cartoon Grand Prize, with a scathing cartoon of English Prime Minister Boris Johnson. On that occasion he declared: "I draw what I see, and for me the expression of the caricatured person should be as close as possible to the image that I have in my head of him." And he added with concern: "It is a real problem that the newspapers devote less and less space to satire, cartoons and cartoons. It is about freedom of expression, and if the newspapers ignore it, in some countries it is totally ignored, it is censorship, so we have a really big, really big problem. "
Boris Johnson, Grand Prize of the World Press Cartoon 2020. / Frank Hoppmann
Hoppmann, a design graduate from the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, the city where he lives and works, has obtained various awards since 2005, in Austria, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Portugal, including the Award of Excellence by the Society for News Design, in the illustration category, in 2014.
In Fall 2012, he was honored with a volume in the "Master of Comic Art" series. This library presents the most important German artists, who have been following the events of the day since 1950 with pencil, brush and the power of words, and extolling the comic with due seriousness. At present, his international record is extraordinary.
Jack Nicholson. / Frank Hoppmann
As a freelance artist, he publishes his drawings and illustrations in Rolling Stone magazine (German edition), Die Welt , Welt am Sonntag , Manager Magazin , Eulenspiegel, as well as Stern and Suddeutseh Zeitung , among many others. For its artistic quality, I wanted to remember it, to the approval of MUNDIARIO readers.
January 22, 2021