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Interview with Hamid Bahrami-Iran by irancartoon

Interview with Hamid Bahrami-Iran by irancartoon

Your biography in 3 line 

Hamid Bahrami born in 1972, Iran. He received a B.F.A. in Painting from Art University of Tehran. He has worked as a cartoonist and animation filmmaker for over two decades and has received numerous awards such as Tehran International Fajr Film Festival, Tehran international Animation Festival, Tehran international Cartoon Biennale, and Iranian Game Foundation.


What was your first satirical cartoon?

 I did my first satirical cartoon in 1988 when i was a student at Isfahan Fine Arts School. It was about a man who broke his own heart by himself.


 -When did you start your professional working?

I started in 1992 after winning a prize in a national cartoon contest in Tehran. After that I started working with Keyhan caricature magazine as a cartoonist.

 -What was your first published artwork? My first published artwork in 1990 was a caricature of Woody Allen in “Comic and Caricature” magazine which is still published by Mr. Javad Alizadeh. 

 -What was your first prize?

It was a cartoon contest at Tehran International Book Fair in 1992.

What was your last prize?

I won my last prize as a character designer and concept developer for an action game which called Nadir’s Sword in 2009.

How do you find new ideas?

I concentrate on the subject and try to find an interesting story about it.

Whats your idea about Inevitable Similarities? It’s common to happen.

-What do you think about plagiarism?

Stealing someone else’s Idea is just as bad as stealing anything else that they own.

-Do you think who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?

Kambiz Derambakhsh is the best Iranian cartoonist because of his unique ideas and his continuity in creating. 

-Who is the best Cartoonist in your country? Kambiz Derambakhsh

-Do you think who is the best foreign cartoonist?

Quino from Argentina

-What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen? If possible send it to us.

Ive seen many cartoons that have impacted me in their own ways. I haven’t been able to choose the best cartoon that i have seen, for they are all incomparable.

-How much time do you spend on creating an artwork? It depends on the piece. Sometimes I spend half an hour and sometimes I spend hours on a piece.

-What are your tools and technique for creating artwork? These days, I prefer to use digital gadgets.

-Which software do you use?

Photoshop- procreate

-What's your advice to your colleagues? Artists should create art in a way that impacts their audience and allows the audience to explore the world through the artist’s perspective.

-What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?

With the decrease of printed magazines and similar media, the demand in the cartoon field has also decreased, but that does not mean that cartoonists have stopped creating new art and ideas. Many cartoonists still continue their careers through different kinds of media other than printed magazines and newspapers. 

-Did you ever had problems with your cartoons? Yes, I’ve had some misunderstandings between the message i meant to convey through my art and what the audience understood.

-What was your best cartoon? I still really enjoy looking back at one of my favorite cartoons in which i drew for the biannual of Tehran Cartoon 2006 about the eldery.

-Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest? Yes

-What about Caricature?yes

-Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?

I have not worked with other artists in the cartoon field, but in animation, I work with other artists every day.

-What's your idea about Irancartoon website? IranCartoon website is the only cartoon website that I still follow.

Many thanks

-If you were born again what did you choose as your career? I would still choose to pursue art.

-Do you think whats the border between Cartoon and Caricature?

In a cartoon, the message that the subject conveys holds more value, but in a caricature, the exaggeration and presentation of the subject hold more value.

In a cartoon, the meaning of the piece is exaggerated, while in a caricature, the form of the subject is exaggerated.

-What and when was your last exhibition? My last show was a visual art exhibition which called “Chromakey”(2018) at Homa Art Gallery, Tehran.

What's your description about cartoon? A cartoon demonstrate bitter truths in a sweet manner.

-Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?  Its hard to make a profit by just creating cartoons and caricatures. Artists have to find other ways to make money such as teaching, entertaining, commercial and ets other than creating cartoons and caricatures.

-Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world? Hayao Miyazaki.

-What was the last book you've read?

“The Sisters Brothers” by  Patrick deWitt.

-Do you think humor can be learned?

Yes, some types of humor can be learned, but not all.

-What's your idea about dark Humor? I like it. Some of my studies in university were about dark humor. Dark humor is blunt and straight forward about bitter realities of life while also incorporating humor into the piece.

-Who is the best artist in Dark Humor? In my opinion “Saul Steinberg” is the legend.

What was your last performed Caricature? I performed my last caricature about a polar bear that lost its house and migrated to the tropics. I used this cartoon for developing an animation.

Thank you,

Thanks a lot dear Hamid Bahrami for your kind attention


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