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“One Thousand and One lines” exhibition in Iranian House of Cartoon

“One Thousand and One lines” exhibition in Iranian House of Cartoon

Spread of Corona Virus caused death of many people including famous intellectual, cultural resources. Those who spent their precious time learning and creating, and how bad it is to lose such people, especially for the next generation it would be a big deprivation.

Peace and altruism always presented in his works through forms and lines. Line; It was the simplest element in the labyrinth of his mind like words in the poet's mind, his thoughts came to the white sheet through his hands, and his new world also came to exist.

He said: “I am looking for a global visual language, I like all people around the world talk in a unique language, I am loath of borders, war, racism, injustice, and environmental pollution. I think visually, work with images, most people across the world understand the visual language I use, it is a big success, but not enough, I try more and more, each day and each night”.

It has been 40 days that Derambakhsh has left us for his eternal house in heaven, the Iranian House of Cartoon has held "One Thousand and One Lines" exhibition in his memory, accompanied by a group of artists and lovers. In this exhibition forty "portrait" of Derambakhsh created by 30 national and international artists have been displayed. Also, the collection of selected works of Kambiz Dermbakhshi, that had been entered the last ’masters’ artworks’ exhibition, presented there.

Several artists explained their view on Derambakhsh that would be uploaded soon.

This exhibition was held on Monday, December 20

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