Theme: Corruption | Crime and Punishment
Dear caricaturist
We are delighted to inform you the about III International Festival of Caricature «SMILEOFSEA»
to be held and you are kindly invited to take part in it.
The Festival is organized by Novorossiysk Branch Office of Russian Journalists Union with cooperation
of Municipality of Novorossiysk and Russian Art Academy.
For the first time the Festival was held in 2016 and we hope the meeting with marvelous wit satiric art
of caricature at the coast of the Black Sea will develop into kind tradition.
Topic of the festival: «Corruption» Additional topic: «Crime and Punishment»
Works are accepted until August 15, 2019.
Special invited jury select caricatures for the exhibition. And following the results of Festival a finalist will be
rewarded with a diploma and catalogue.
The best works to be nominated for a special award.
Technical requirements for the works:
size A4 for original and its copy, JPEG (300dpi) for electronic version of works.
E-mail address you can send your works:
You are kindly wished creative success!
Director of the festival: Valery VOLKOV
Art director of the Festival: