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Winners of the 16th Mogi Guaçu Humor Salon Contest-Brazil 2023

Winners of the 16th Mogi Guaçu Humor Salon Contest-Brazil 2023


Theme: FREE

The 16th Humor Exhibition and the 5th Humor Exhibition in Mogi Guaçu already have their winners.
The Municipal Secretary of Culture released this Thursday, June 29, the result of the cartoon, caricature and comic book categories.
The award ceremony for the winners will take place on July 6, at 3 pm, at the Célia Maria Stábile Video Room, at the Cultural Center, located at Avenida dos Trabalhadores, 2651, in Jardim Camargo.
In the competition for the 16th Humor Exhibition,

700 works by national and international artists from countries such as Germany, Iran, India, Mexico, Belgium, Japan, China, Macedonia, Italy and Turkey, among others. Of this total, 50 works were selected from the 16th Humor Exhibition and 45 from the 5th Humor Exhibition, which are on display in the entrance hall of the Cultural Centre.

Eli Cóvulo
Júnior Costa
cartoonist Moisés Macedo.


1st place – Raimundo Waldez Duarte (Blumenau / SC)
Work: Outdoor
2nd place – Thiago Lucas (Jaboatão dos Guararapes / PE)
Work: Artificial Intelligence

3rd place – José Alberto Lovetro (São Paulo / SP)
work: Ark of love

Honorable Mention – Salar Eshratkhah – (Tabriz / Iran)
Work: Effective Help

1st place – José Hortêncio (Mogi Guaçu / SP)
Work: Freddie Mercury

2nd place – Duarte (Sumaré / SP)
Work: Great Othello

3rd place – Dão (Rio de Janeiro / RJ)
Work: Whinderson

Honorable Mention – Yousef Alimohammadi (Willich / Germany)
Work: Jose Saramago

1st place – Éder Santos (São Paulo / SP)
Work: Cobain in the sky

2nd place – Luiz Fernando (Bauru / SP)
Work: Influence of fake news

3rd place – Moacir Torres (Indaiatuba / SP)
Work: Lorenzo

Honorable Mention – Guilherme Bronzatto (Mogi Guaçu / SP)
Work: Ifood da Pedra Chipped

5th Little Humor Show in Mogi Guaçu

1st place – Beatriz Affonso (Rio Grande / RS)
Work: Old Man from the River, Friend of the Jaguar
2nd place – Matheus G. S. Campos (Mogi Guaçu / SP)
Work: The mask

3rd place – Roberty L. A. Faria (Mogi Guaçu / SP)
Work: Marilyn Monroe

Comic Strip
1st place – Fernanda Pires (Mogi Mirim / SP)
Work: Miners in Egypt

2nd place – Luiza Cadan (Mogi Mirim / SP)
Work: Turtle

3rd place – Ingrid Contessoto (Mogi Mirim / SP)
Work: Online study



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