Theme: How the Coronavirus changed the world & Mustapha anflous
Anyone who participates in the competition subscribes to the conditions of the rules and to the
Jury decisions.
Themes: 1
How the Coronavirus changed the world
Conditions of participation in the competition
The number of works per participant is limited to 2 (two). The works cannot have been published, or exhibited, or have won awards in Morocco or abroad.
Format: A4, 300 dpi, JPG / JPEG and free techniques
• Deadline: September 30,2021
Works that do not meet the conditions set
In these regulations will not be taken into consideration for the competition.
The following prizes are planned:
First prize (duck).
Second Prize (Africa)
Third prize (pencil stroke)
ten special prizes
Cartoons should be sent to:
Because of his participation in the competitions, the author lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works sent remain at the disposal of the organizers for two years.
• The jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
And represent their own countries.
Their names will automatically be added to the list of participants
(They will participate only in the exhibition, Not in competition (just participation of honor).
• Works may be used for promotional purposes
(Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards ...)
Without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
Themes2: sketch Of the cartoonist
Mustapha anflous
Considered the oldest cartoonist in Morocco
According to Mustapha Anflous, the cartoonist lives haunted by his work and is always looking for ideas for his works. “He is concerned about the problems of society,” he said.
Born in the city of Skhirat, start as a talented child who loves to draw since the first year of primary school. The idea for the cartoon began in the late 1970s with the publication of the Akhbar Al-Souq newspaper for its founder, Mr. Mohamed Filali, with a group of cartoonists who originally encouraged me. to the caricature, and in fact he published a couple of cartoons for me in the last issue and that was the end of the market news as it was banned and I was a good omen for the newspaper, according to my friend Sihami And from there I loved the cartoon and it became a part of me and made it easier for the blood to flow through my body and I started to publish some drawings here and there (Al-Muthaq newspaper - the Socialist Union during the Gulf War - the weekly secrets) and finally I was installed in the week of the weekly press from 1991 to 2007 With the publication of the newspaper Al-Massa, I had the honor to work with his staff, in particular the company of Rachid Nini, who gave me complete freedom and did not interfere and will not intervene, even once, except for a wish. As for the exhibitions, I participated in some of them inside the country (Marrakech - Agadir - Chaouen - Rabat). I apologize for not mentioning the organizer. I make sure to mention here Ms. Mohamed Amora and the owner of the Smile program In the mid-80s, I was part of the team of the show, which did a portrait of the guest of honor and some of the encounters. that I made in certain institutes, and once again I am banned from arbitration commissions for having chosen certain drawings, like those organized by Amnesty International,