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Achille Superbi

  • Italy Achille Superbi
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    Coordinator of graphic design for the Turin branch of RAI Radio Televisione Italiana, the Italian broadcasting service, where I have been working since 1982 using both computers and more traditional forms of expression, above all humorous illustration. For many years I regularly worked as caricaturist for the weekly TV sport programmme "Il processo del l uned" and I published over 500 illustrations for advertising campaigns, Italian and international books and magazines such as Sport Master, Autosprint, I Padroni del pallone, Ulisse 2000, Hurrࠊuventus, Witty World Cartoon Magazine, Guerin Sportivo, Figurine Panini, The Finest International Political Cartoon of our Time, L'Almanacco di Frate Indovino.


    -"Dattero d'argento" and Prize "Consiglio d'Europa

    "at 42? Salone Internazionale dell'Umorismo di Bordighera,

    -First Prize "La lumaca che sorride" at the 420th Fiera Fredda,-First Prize "Lutin d'Or" at the Festival International de la Caricature de St. Esteve,-"Palma d'Oro" at the "45? Salone Internazionale dell'Umorismo" of Bordighera,-"Menciٍn especial" at the "III Certamen International of Santa Cruz" inTenerife,

    -"Premio speciale della Giuria" at the "XVIII Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte" of Tolentino,-"Menciٍn d'Honor" at the "IV Certamen International of Santa Cruz" in Tenerife,-First Prize "Humor & vigne" of Jonzac

    -First Prize "Luigi Mari" at the "XXI Biennale Internazionale dell' Umorismonell'arte" di Tolentino,-Second Prize at the "International Cartoonfestival Wolsberg 2002",

    -First Prize "FECO Argentina International Cartoon Contest" in Buenos Aires

    -First Prize at the "VII Certamen International of Santa Cruz" in Tenerife

    -Special Prize at the 4th Courage Contest of Taiwan.

Artworks (12)

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy

                                                                                                  Achille Superbi - Italy
Achille Superbi - Italy
