Santiagu was born in Arcozelo, V.N. de Gaia in 1968 and at the moment, he is living in Gatão, Amarante.
He has been an Art Teacher since 1994 and he illustrats several school textbooks for some publishers.
Presently, he is the main artist of the Newspaper Flor do Tâmega in Amarante
Besides that, he won lots of national, international, important and brilliant prizes and he has shown his work by participating in exhibitions of several countries like Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Iran, Mexico, Kosovo, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.
1994 – Honourable Mention in the Cartoon Contest Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (Lisbon City Hall).
1996- International Festival of Comic Strips (Póvoa de Varzim City Hall) and participation in the Comic Strips Exhibition (Matosinhos City Hall); 2nd Prize in the 5th Cartoon Contest (Amadora); participation in the 1st Cartoon Festival (Alverca).
1998- 1st Prize in the 7th Cartoon Contest (Amadora).
1999- Cartoon and Comic Strips Exhibition in the Beau Séjour Palace (Lisbon).
2000- 1st Prize of Caricature in the XIII Free Humour National Saloon (Oeiras); participation in the 1st International Saloon of Espinho – Beach Humour; joint exhibition in the Museum Amadeo de Sousa Cardoso (Amarante).
2001- V Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); joint exhibition in the Museum Amadeo de Sousa Cardoso (Amarante); XIV Free Humour National Saloon – Oeiras.
2004- VIII Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); II Biennial of Raiano Humour (Idanha-a-Nova) and IX National Exhibition of Amateur Cartoonists held in Levadia – Greece.
2005- Honourable Mention in the IX Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); participation in the XIX National Exhibition of Amateur Cartoonists held in Levadia – Greece; participation in the VII Portocartoon.
2006- Participation in the Caricature Festival of the VIII Biennial of Caricature of Ourense; 1st Prize of caricature in the XX Press Humour National Saloon - Oeiras; participation in the XI National Exhibition of Amateur Cartoonists held in Levadia – Greece; participation in the X Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); participation in the VIII Portocartoon; participation in the Sixth International Caricature Contest Independence – Ukraine; Special Prize in the 8th International Exposition of Eco Caricature Sokobanja 2006 - Serbia; participation in the VI. Int`l Biennal Cartoon Contest – HUMOREST 2006 – Czech Republic; participation in the World Cartoon Festival – Kosova 2006; participation in the 3d International Cartoon Exhibition, Rhodes; participation in the International Cartoon Competition TATARSTAN RÚSSIA; Selected Prize in the FCW 2006 Cartoonet Festival Shangai-China and participation in the 2 nd Living Room of Humor of the Paraguaçu-Brasil.
2007-1st Prize of caricature in the XI Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real) and Grand Prize in FCW2007 Cartoonet Festival (Shangai-China); Honourable Mention in the IX Portocartoon.
2008- 3rd Prize of caricature in the XI Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); Honourable Mention in the X Portocartoon; participation in World Press Cartoon in Sintra; Participation in the Caricature Festival of the IX Biennial of Caricature of Ourense and participation in the Caricature Festival of the Biennial of Penela (Coimbra); 3rd Prize of caricature in the IV Caricature Saloon of Paraguaçu (Brasil); participation in the Concurs de caricatures Humoreix»(Spain); participation in the European Cartoon Contest ( Portuguese Printing Press Museum), participation in the International Digital Media Contest, Special Diploma in Magazine for Satire, Humor and Cartoons «Rhinocervs»
2009- Participation and Finalist in the XI Portocartoon; Participation in the XII Luso-Galaico Caricature Saloon (Vila Real); participation in World Press Cartoon in Sintra and Prize Amadora Cartoon; Participation in 29º International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, Golg Prize in FCW2009 (China).
2010- Honourable Mention in the Xll Portocartoon; participation in World Press Cartoon in Sintra; Honourable Mention in the European Cartoon Contest
(Portuguese Printing Press Museum), Honorable Diploma and Special Prize in V Nosorog`s Magazine for Satire, Humor and Cartoons «Rhinocervs», 1st Prize of caricature in the Festival of the Biennial of Penela (Coimbra); participation in the III Concurs de caricatures Humoreix»(Spain), Silver Prize in FCW2010.
2011- Honourable Mention in the XllI Portocartoon; Third Prize in World Press Cartoon in Sintra; People`s Prize in XIIPortocartoon; 2º Prize in «XlV Galician Portuguese saloon of caricature, and Grand Prize in FCW2011 ( China ).
2012- Cash Prize in the 4th Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest in Iran; Honourable Mention in the XlV Portocartoon; Honourable Mention in World Press Cartoon in Sintra; Special Prize in the Festival of the Biennial of Penela (Coimbra), Honourable Mention of XII International Saloon of Humour (Caratinga-Brasil) and participation in 39th Festival of Piracicaba (Brasil).
2013- The Third Prize in the International Caricature Web Contest / Azerbaijan /CNC; participation in WorldPressCartoon in Sintra; 2º Prize in XV Portocartoon, participation in the 10th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial in Iran and participation in 40th Festival of Piracicaba (Brasil).
2014- 2º Prize in XVl Portocartoon; Honorable Mention in XVI Portocartoon; People`s Prize in XVPortocartoon; Honorable Mention in 41th Festival of Piracicaba ( Brasil); 3º Prize in The International Gaza Cartoon and Caricature in Iran and Special Prize in the 7th International Cartoon/Caricature Contest Magazine Nosorog Rhinocerus (Bósnia).
2015- 2º Prize in XVII Portocartoon (two prizes); Honorable Mention in WPCascais; Excellency Prize in the HumoDeva Int. Cartoon Contest (Romania); Special Prize in The Second Holocaust International Cartoon Contest (Iran); Honorable Mention in Fartoon (Portugal); 3rd Prize in «Mostra Virtual de Humor-Brasil»(two prizes) and Special Prize in Vlll International Caricature Contest-Magazine Nosorog.
2016- Honorable Mention in XVIII Portocartoon;3rd Prize in the 12th International Cartoon Contest (Syria); Special Prize in «Statute of International Cartoon Contest of Anti-corruption» (China); Honorable Mention in «VIII Festival International de Humor da Amazónia» (Brasil); First Prize in «II Concurso de Caricaturas-Ferrol» (Espanha).
2017- First Prize and Honorable Mention in XIX Portocartoon; Member of the jury in the 11th Tehran Int. Cartoon Biennial (Irão);The Special prize (Bronze Panda Medal) in the 5th Gold Panda Int. Cartoon and Illustration of Picture Book Competition (China); Honorable Mention in The 6th Int. Cartoon Contest Sinaloa (México) and Bronze Prize in Shangai «Better Internet, Better City» Int. Humor Cartoon Exhibition (China).
2018 – Honorable Mention in The 14th Int. Cartoon Contest (Síria); Honorable Mention in «The End of Terrorism» Int. Poster, Cartoon and Caricature Contest (Irão); First Prize and Honorable Mention in The XX Portocartoon; Fans Prize in FCW-FreeCartoonsWeb « World Cup 2018 Football (China); Honorable Mention in The First International Cairocature Cartoon Contest (Egito) and Honorable Mention in The Caricature Portrait Competition (Egito).
2019 – Second Prize and Honorable Mention in thev XXI Portocartoon; Best Caricaturist Prize in The 7th Red Man International Humour Art Biennial of China; Special Prize in «Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures in The Eyes of Artists International Competition (Beijing, China); Special Prize in The XVIII International Competition Caricatur «Independence» (Kiev, Ucrânia); Plumb Prize in the 5th Salon of Humour (Bacau, Roménia) and Third Prize in The First International caricature Competition (Azerbaijan).
2020 – 3º Prize in « The 3rd International Cairocature Cartoon Contest» - Egito; 2º Prize in « The Values of Kusadasi International Cartoon Contest» - Turquia and 3ºPrize «Stone Bridge in The 17th Edition of International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition» - Kosovo.