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Results Of 2nd Contest Cartoon Fun In Vassylivka Style-Ukraine
0 Comments | 7 Likes| Results | Contests | Cartoon | Vassylivka | Ukraine | 2012

Results of 2nd  contest cartoon "Fun in Vassylivka style"/Ukraine 2012  

The winners of main theme: «Castle»

1 prize - gold medal + diploma : Vladimir Semerenko-c- Russia
2 prize - silver medal + diploma :Yuriy Galiakbarov -w-Ukraine
3 prize - bronze medal + diploma : Yuriy Kosobukin -n- Ukraine

Prize from the city administration:Borislav Stankovic - Serbia
Prize from administration of castle: Victor Gloug - Ukraine
Special prize: Makhmudjon Eshonkulov - Uzbekistan


Ramiro Zapata / Colombia
Saleh Razm / Iran
Uldis Saulitis /Latvija
Valeiy Momot / Ukraine
Li Jingshan /China
Prize from the city administration:Borislav Stankovic - Serbia
Prize from administration of castle: Victor Gloug - Ukraine
Special prize: Makhmudjon Eshonkulov - Uzbekista

The winners of another theme: «Rest and entertainment»

1 prize - gold medal + diploma : Valentin Georgiev - Bulgaria
2 prize - silver medal + diploma:Alexey Kustovsky - Ukraine
3 prize - bronze medal + diploma:Ambrozie Borta - Romania

Prize from the city administration:Trayko popov - Bulgaria
Prize from administration of castle: Oleg Cucol - Ukraine
Special prize: Gennadiy Nazarov - Ukraine


Yuosof Alimohamadi / Iran
Valeriy Alexandrov / Bulbaria
Igor Simirnov / Russia
Alexey Kivokurcer / Russia
Yuriy Didenko / Ukraine

Likes: 7


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