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Gallery Of Paiting & Illustrations By Christiaan Dros - Netherlands
0 Comments | 0 Likes| Gallery | Paiting | Illustration | Christiaan Dros | Netherlands

Christiaan Dros - Netherlands
I am Chris.
My company is called Chaos Art, and I work in and around Amsterdam, Holland.
I work as an illustrator and autonomous artist.
I started in 1994 together with fellow artist Zender (also on Behance).
Nowadays we have our own separate companies.
Recent jobs are for the city of Amselveen (near Amsterdam) and outdoor dance festival A Day at the Park.
I started here on the Rietveld Academie, but after a few months I decided to quit, because I also started my company in the same period, and it got too busy...
Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam
VWO diploma
1990 – 1994
Barlaeus Gymnasium Amsterdam
1987 – 1990

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