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Gallery Of Caricature By Lula Palomanes - Brazil
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Caricature | Lula Palomanes | Brazil

Lula, this is your signature. Behind it is the individual Luiz Fernando Palomanes Martin, who was born in 1963 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Spanish mixture with Portuguese, it is good to know that it is not a cartoonist or cartoonist. Despite his scathing mood, it can be classified as a graphic artist. His caricatures are confusing and superb. It is almost impossible adjectival them. The amazement that their arts cause beyond all known categories. Admirer of Rembrandt, Velázquez, Francis Bacon, Picasso and Egon Schiele - Lula has passed Lula_Palomanesmuitas nights watching closely and by far the reproductions of the works of these masters of painting. (Do not tell anyone, but informed me that he does not sleep at night Passing this time reading, drawing and studying the works of his favorite artists. - Will only rest when the sun announces the morning comes, that after buying bread in Bakery corner).
Lula is a magnificent illustrator and owner of a strong personality. Prints its work a single sign, its own way of preparing the exaggeration, a glance bias warping reality and the search for a new way each work. Your job is cerebral, but has a lot of experimentation and sweat in this search. Besides the influence of large plastic arts, make up your learning observing masters "graphic field," as Luis Trimano, Cássio Loredano, Rubem Grilo, Ralph Steadman and Gerald Scarfe. But you can not tell who put it all on your personal blender and came around drawing. His expression is something beyond this cultural melting pot and is projected as something "unheard", perhaps the only adjective that approaches its uniqueness.
He began to show his art in the pages of The Quibbler and then migrated to the so-called "mainstream media" of Rio de Janeiro - worked in O Globo and Jornal do Brazil. Our graphic hero also published their work in magazines Magnet, Nebelfpalter eGráfica. Zahar made covers for the publishers, Record and Rocco, illustrated magazines Selections, Playboy and Science Today. It has a silver medal hanging from his clipboard, checked by the Society for News Design by Gore Vidal caricature, which he published in O Globo. But do not think that Lula watched with his art only the adult world, with great sensitivity and versatility also illustrated several children's books.

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