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Interview With Paolo Dalponte-Italy/By Irancartoon
0 Comments | 1 Like | Interview | Paolo Dalponte | Italy | Irancartoon

Paolo Dalponte, born in Lomaso in 1958.Graduated in Trento Art Institut. Start like painter since1973 and using only this tecnic until 1985. After he used the pencil to drawing surrealistic subjects. At the about same time start to drawing cartoons. Now Is cartoonist, illustrator and graphic.

 What was your first satirical cartoon?
My first cartoon was in 1989 and was about money. The title was "New religion"
When did you start your professional working?
My job like professional illustrator started around 2007 when I left my first job with wood
I had an occasion before this period to publishing a poster illustration made with pencil in B&W.

What was your first prize?
My first (first) prize was in1991 in Beograd
 What was your last prize?
My last (first) prize was in Olen Belgium
 How do you find new ideas?
My ideas coming to my  mind jumping out from my experience, my biography, from a big pile of imagines created in a long time
 Whats your idea about Inevitable Similarities?
The cartoonist works with simbol ( this is my style) so that could be very common to meet similarities between cartoons. This is not so serious for me. More serious and heavy is if one autor use very often other's autor's ideas like his own idea, knowing that is NOT HIS idea!
How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?
Drawing an A4 format cartoon, realized by pencil, take me one or two days
 What are your tools and technique for creating artwork? 
I use mainly the pencil, sometimes color pastel or acrilyc.
 Which software do you use?
I don't use software to drawing, only by hand! I use computer just to scanning an archiving.
 What's your recommendation to your colleagues?
To the collegues I'd like to say " To be carefully to the computer graphic, don't become too cold!
 What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?
The cartoons are for the freedom and for the justice, wher's not freedom or justice, cartoons has matter to exist. I think that cartoons today has much meaning to exist  around the world

Did you ever had problems with your cartoons?
I've not problem with my cartoons. I think was so because I never attack person directly, but my cartoons are about general behaviors, "universal subjects"
 Have you ever created an immediate Cartoon?
My cartoons need a quite long time to born, to be drawing.
 Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?
I've been sometimes in Jury, in Italy and abroad as well.
 What about Caricature?
I've nevertime draw caricature ( in my Country caricature mean just the faces, but in East Europe this word means cartoons in general)
Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?
I've worked only alone. Only take part in collective exibition, but my pieces are draw alone
 What's your idea about Irancartoon website?
Irancartoon is a very useful website for cartoonists and cartoons lover because takes in connection cartoonists from all around the world
If you were born again what did you choose as your career?
Another life I'd like to be.... a cat!
 Do you think whats the boarder between Cartoon and Caricature?
I don't know, because I've never draw a caricature ( face)
 What and when was your last exhibition?
My last exibition (personal with original) was in Trento, Italia, and my last exibition ( with digital nice printing) was in Surgut, Siberya
 What's your description about cartoon?
The cartoon could be a good language to speak with a large public. The humor mood can enter in the soul of reader.
 Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?
About the money, depend from the Country and from the lucky!
 Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world?
My best artist, no cartoonist, is Renè Magritte, from Belgium

 What was the last book you've read?
My last read book was " The desire's creature" , Andrea Camilleri, a very popular italian writer wrote it.

 Do you think humor can be learned?
The humor "must be" learned, for a better way of life, and for better understanding other's situations.

What's your idea about Black Humor?
The black humor is like a spicy meal, necessary to put flavour in a "no salt" life of someone.
 Who is the best artist in Black Humor?
My best black humor author was Roland Topor. 

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