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Gallery Of Painting Watercolors By Pablo Ruben Lopez - Spain
0 Comments | 4 Likes| Gallery | Painting | Watercolors | Pablo Ruben Lopez | Spain

Pablo Ruben Lopez - Spain
Pablo Ruben Lopez Sanz is an artist from Grinon, a small town south of Madrid and close to the historic city of Toledo where he has his studio.
Pablo has been painting all his life but it is during these last ten years that he has devoted himself completely to art.
He learned from several masters in Spain and in recent years has taken courses with well known international watercolors such as Alvaro Castagnet and Joseph Zbukvic. He paints oil, acrylic and watercolor, but watercolor is the technique that is working more in depth lately, since it is the medium that allows him to finish a work less time and obtain a more spontaneous result.
In Spain every weekend there are countless outdoor Fast Painting contests and Pablo finds in the watercolor the best way to complete those works in 3 or 4 hours. He likes to paint outdoors, and always carries with him his watercolors ready to paint or sketch anywhere.
During 2010 he won two of the most important prizes in Spain, one of them was El Retiro where more than 800 painters participated and won the first prize.
Another prize of special relevance was the painting of the Spanish Air Force.
Pablo takes great advantage of scenes and landscapes where other people do not see anything to paint, this is part of his art.
At the moment it compagina his work like artist with the classes of painting that imparts in the Municipal Schools of Carranque and Ugena (Toledo).

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