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Gallery Of Drawing And Caricature By Tomas Fluharty
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Gallery of drawing and caricature by Tomas Fluharty

My name is Thomas Fluharty and this is my exclusive online showcase for my paintings.

After investing more than thirty years of editorial and storyboard work creating images for clients, I decided to create a body of work for me, and for the enjoyment of others, painting what I love and focusing on pop culture icons.

I was classically trained in oils in the Dutch and Flemish technique, and have been heavily inspired by painting icons William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, and Rembrandt. Their methods seemed like a logical way to portray contemporary pop-culture icons, who have transcended into a larger than life type status.

So this site is where my two great passions meet: portrait caricatures and oils.

And I am psyched to share them with you. I have an online store where I sell all my original paintings. Each painting or any image on this site can also be purchased as a print. To inquire or place an order email me at

Thanks so much,



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