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Gallery Of Cartoons By Ashmarin Stanislav - Russia
0 Comments | 2 Likes| Gallery | Cartoons | Ashmarin Stanislav | Russia

Ashmarin Stanislav - Russia
Stanislav Ashmarin was born in 1937 in Kharkov.
He graduated from Baku Medical Institute and received the diploma of a doctor.
The first cartoon appeared in the newspaper Youth of Azerbaijan in 1962 and in the same year the artist moved to Tselinograd (now Astana), the capital of Kazakhstan) after graduating from the Institute.
From 1962 to 1965 he worked as an artist in the youth newspaper Molodoy Tselinnik
and also published his drawings and cartoons in central newspapers and magazines.
In 1971 he moved to the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in the Urals, where he cooperated with the newspaper Na smenu and the magazine Uralskiy Sledopyt . He was the first in the USSR to draw comics for the weekly magazine PIF (Adventure and Fantasy).
Since 2002 he has taken part in the international contests.

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