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Gallery Of Caricatures By Nolan Harris - Usa
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Caricature | Nolan Harris | Usa

Nolan Harris - USA
Nolan got his start drawing caricatures in 1999 at the theme park Kings Island in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.
After spending a decade in the theme park retail environment, Nolan made the move to Seattle, WA to develop the art entertainment business Over The Line Art with his business partner Dexter Rothchild.
5 years and 12 artists later, Over The Line Art has become the TOP CHOICE for caricature entertainment in the Pacific North West.
Nolan's talents are not limited to the Seattle metro area.
Nolan has drawn digital caricatures at trade shows and conventions all over the country.
Nolan is also the current President of a worldwide network of 400 artists called the International Society of Caricature Artists.

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