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Gallery Of Illustrations By Burton Gray - Usa
0 Comments | 0 Likes| Gallery | Illustrations | Burton Gray | Usa

Burton Gray - USA
Burton Gray wasn’t born with a pencil in his hand he was given one by his mother, at age 4, to keep him quiet during church services and choir rehearsals.
A formal education, years of independent research, and 10,000 figure drawings later Burton became a highly proficient oil painter. But once he began to photograph his large scale paintings to paint over them digitally in order to try new colors, compositions and ideas he quickly saw the liberating potential of working in a purely digital medium.
In 2005 he made the break from oil and made the move to exclusively painting digitally.
A pioneer in digital painting and the digital medium, he has developed a process and a style of art known as Living Art, a new method for art creation, art marketing, and art sales.
It features art that an artist never finishes, but rather, he or she lives with and continually works on throughout his or her life, selling updated versions of paintings to art patrons on line, in galleries and from one’s own studio.
I live and work in my Los Angeles Studio.

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